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What is a trade union?

A trade union is an organisation made up of members who collectively negotiate with employers over issues such as pay, health and safety, and terms and conditions. CBS’s main aim is to protect and advance the interests of our members in the workplace.

What can CBS do that your indemnity insurance can’t do?

Many surgical professionals need indemnity insurance, CBS can work alongside your insurance provider in order to support you if you find yourself in difficulties. A trade union is not a replacement for comprehensive indemnity insurance. But as a trade union we are the only organisation that provide individuals with advice, support and representation on issues such as contracts, job planning, GMC, employment and ICO.

What can CBS do that your Specialty Association or Royal College can’t do?

According to charity law, the goals and objectives of all charities must align with the public interest. Consequently, charities are restricted from negotiating employment terms and conditions, as these matters primarily serve the interests of individual members rather than the public. However, CBS can offer advice and support on this matter alongside a wide range of issues, including contracts, job planning, GMC regulations, negligence (both NHS and private), NHS Trust investigations, MHPS procedures, employment matters, Coroner cases, ICO, CQC regulations, and criminal cases involving GNM/ABH, among others.

How is CBS different from BMA and other Unions such as the TUC?

CBS is a union for individuals involved in surgery ONLY. This constitutes a relatively small group of healthcare professionals; surgery is unique in nature and as such needs expert representation from a Trade Union which understands the surgical realm.

Can I belong to two trade unions?

Yes, you can belong to two trade unions if their membership rules allow you to do so. CBS allows you to belong to two trade unions.

I am in difficulty; how can I get help?

Simply, call the Surgical Advisory Service on 07498 322935 or email and they will be able to provide you with the advice and support you need.

Who is my local CBS representative?

CBS is a relatively young union and as such has union representatives in the following areas:

  • London, East & South East
  • Midlands
  • Northern
  • North East
  • South West
  • Yorkshire

If you would like to contact your local  representative, please contact

What is Union representation?

Union representation is the bridge between employers and workers. Unions representatives act as contact points between company bosses, the government and their members.

If you wish CBS to communicate with your employer on your behalf you must be a member of CBS. CBS aims to ensure a healthy balance between their members and their employers.

Union representation is not legal representation, if you require legal representation you will need to employ a lawyer.

What does a representative do?

CBS Union Representatives are there to:

  • discuss any concerns you have about your employer
  • go with (‘accompany’) you to disciplinary or grievance hearings with management
  • represent you in negotiations (‘collective bargaining’) over your pay and terms and conditions of employment
  • meet with your employer to find solutions to workplace issues
  • develop the best possible health and safety procedures with your employer

Employers must consult with union reps if:

  • there is going to be a business transfer or takeover
  • they are planning to make 20 or more people redundant within 90 days

Do you have a right to be accompanied?

You have the right to be accompanied by your union rep to some meetings with management - for example, if:

  • you’re facing a disciplinary charge
  • you wish to raise a grievance with your employer

If your union rep cannot attend, you may be able to rearrange the meeting or ask a work colleague to go with you.

How do I become a CBS representative?

If you are interested in becoming a CBS union representative or a student representative, please contact