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CBS Statement on Industrial Action

According to CBS Vice President Nigel Mercer; ‘It is immoral for consultants, who are seen by the public as leaders... Read more

The Surgical Backlog: After the Clapping Stops

Nearly one year ago, we discussed some of the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in our blog How Knock-On-Effects... Read more

Catch It, Bin It, Kill It: Corruption

In last month’s blog, Single-Use PPE: Masking Greater Risks? we discussed the myriad challenges posed by the global... Read more

Single-Use PPE: Masking Greater Risks?

In May 2020, CBS and MedSupplyDrive jointly highlighted a study demonstrating that the only mask with proven efficacy... Read more

CBS Announces Women in Surgery Conference Essay winners

The Women in Surgery conference (run by the UCL Surgical Society) aims to inspire women to pursue surgery by tackling... Read more